Familiar faces from the screen brought viewers an interesting look at what should not have a place in our kitchens.In their latest film, they address topics that bother many of us: What foods are better not to look for and why?.
One of the products we should consider is marshmallows.This sweet product, popular mainly for its distinctive sweet taste, is actually full of sugar and other substances that are not beneficial for our health.Katarzyna Bosacka openly admits that this product has no place in her household.The reason? A huge amount of sugar, artificial colors and gelatin, which can contribute to obesity and related health problems, such as atherosclerosis or complications with the circulatory and digestive systems.
Another product under discussion is colorful sweets filled with chocolate.The problem is the same again – sugar and artificial colors.Their regular consumption can adversely affect not only our health, but also brain functioning, concentration and memory.Therefore, it is reasonable to consider whether to include these snacks in the shopping list at all.
Toast bread, which is often found in our pantries, is another food that Bosacka criticizes.It is a highly processed product that is full of preservatives and simple carbohydrates.Although it may seem harmless, its excessive consumption can cause problems for our body.Katarzyna advises – occasional consumption yes, but always in moderation.
Chips – a favorite snack for many of us – are another product to avoid.Most types contain not only unhealthy fats, but also a lot of preservatives.Chips made from potato pulp are far from what we might consider healthy.If you can’t give them up, at least reach for the less harmful ones – for example, the salted version.
In conclusion, the presenters warn against highly processed meat, such as sausages, pates and cured meats.When buying these products, it is important to read the ingredients.They often contain mechanically separated meat (MSM), which is significantly less valuable from a nutritional point of view.
Overall, it can be concluded that it is good to be prudent and consciously choose what we bring to our kitchen.Health is only one thing, so it pays to invest time in choosing foods that will help us protect it.